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Interval Hammer PKL

- Effektiv tømning af alle typer siloer og beholdere
- Kraftige slag der virker som en gummihammer
- Lavt luftforbrug
- Hindre brodannelse og rottehuller i alle beholdere
- Tågesmøring anbefales
Anvendes til tømning og rensning af siloer, beholdere og filtre
Pneumatic Impactor PKL

- The most efficient silo emptying system on the market
- Powerful impacts and low air consumption
- Available in many configurations just for the application
- Prevents bridging and rat holes in silos
- Available in ATEX and high temperature
- Lubrication of the compressed air is recommended
The PKL Impactor is the superior silo tool for ensuring good product flow in most types of bins and hoppers Is widely used for any type of dry or moist products, such as grain, coal, sand, gravel, asphalt, cement or corn The PKL Impactor offers easy installation and automatic emptying system
Pneumatic Piston Vibrator NTP

- Hard-knocking forceful vibrator for small and mid size installations
- High acceleration and vigorous hard vibration
- Used when rotary vibrators is not enough power
- Hygienic design with anodized surface
- Available in stainless steel and ATEX
- Available in lubrication-free version
- Lubrication of the compressed air is recommended
The NTP vibrator is a crossover between a traditional vibrator and a impactor NTP vibrator is available in two versions, hard-knocking and soft-knocking It is often used for emptying bins, pipes, silo outlets and hoppers with sticky or adhesive products and materials
Pneumatisk Stempel Vibrator NTP

- Effektiv vibration til små og mellemstore installationer
- Høj acceleration og kraftige vibrationer
- Anvendes hvor de roterende vibratorer må opgive
- Hygiejnisk design med hårdt elokseret overflader
- Tågesmøring påkrævet
Anvendes til tragte, slisker, siloer, beholdere og opretholde materialeflow